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Chicken Breeds Trading Cards, Set 2
  • Chicken Breeds Trading Cards, Set 2


    **PLEASE NOTE: This is a digital item. You will receive a downloadable PDF and will not receive a physical product. You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to print this file. Adobe Acrobat is available free online.**


    Love chickens as much as we do?! Want to learn more about various chicken breeds? This set of 50 trading cards is a fun way for children of all ages to learn to identify the characteristics of 25 breeds.


    The front of each card features the name of the breed and a watercolour image of either the rooster or the hen of that breed. Hen cards also include the breed purpose (layer, meat, dual, ornamental) and the number/size/colour of eggs laid per week.


    The reverse of the hen cards include information about breed standard appearance, temperament, origin, etc.


    Set 2 includes the following breeds:

    - Hamburg

    - Houdan

    - Iowa Blue

    - Java

    - Jersey Giant

    - Kraienkopp

    - La Flèche

    - Lakenvelder

    - Legbar

    - Leghorn

    - Lohmann Brown

    - Marans

    - Minorca

    - Naked Neck

    - Polish

    - Polverara

    - Porcelain D'Uccle

    - Rhode Island Red

    - Scots Dumpy

    - Sebright

    - Serama

    - Silkie

    - Sumatra

    - Sussex

    - Wyandotte


    Interested in other breeds? Be sure to check our Set 1

    Spring Resources