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Montessori Green Series Reading Set - Long Vowels, Digraphs & Dipthongs

Montessori Green Series Reading Set - Long Vowels, Digraphs & Dipthongs


Your little spark will love building their reading skills as they dive into long vowel sounds, digraphs and a even a few common dipthongs. 


You will receive a PDF file which includes the following:
-  instructions for printing and card preparation
- 176 consonant blend word cards
- 176 matching image cards
- 62 word lists

- suggested order of presentation


Digraphs and dipthongs included in this set:


Consonant digraphs:

- beginning and end sounds featuring ch, sh, th

- other consonant digraphs (gn-, kn-, -ng, ph, qu, wh)


Long a sound (a_e, ai, ay, eigh)


Long e sound (e_e, ea, ee, ey, ie)


Long i sound (i_i, ie, igh)


Long o sound (o_e, oa, ow)


Long u sound (u_e*, ew*, oo, ou, ue*)

*two long u sounds presented


R-controlled vowels (ar, er, ir, or, ur)


W-controlled vowels (aw, ow)


Other common digraphs and dipthongs (ai, ea, oo, ou, oy)


Cards measure 5" wide by 3.8" high

Word lists measure 5" wide by 7.7" high


Please note there are more words in the words lists than there are in the picture/card matching cards. This is purposeful. Not all words are easily depicted in image form. As such, the words chosen for the picture/word matching activity are primarily nouns. The lists provide an opportunity to practice reading a variety of words familiar to children, including both nouns and verbs.


Extensions of this set include:

- Green Series Blends Puzzles (coming soon)

- Montessori Storybook Alphabet (pair with photo cards to make each word)


Both are available in the Language Resources section of the shop.


Spring Resources